
Why We Game

I’ve been toying with the idea for a show entitled “Why We Game”. On it’s face it doesn’t seem like a topic that could be sustained for an hour’s worth of conversation. I mean it’s pretty simple right? We game because it’s fun. We get to hangout out with our friends...

COREthulhu Update

I suppose it’s time for an update on COREthulhu. The long and short of it is that I haven’t done very much in the last little while. There’s a variety of reasons for that but the one that I’ll offer up is my own inherent laziness. That may be an unfair assessment but...

My Current Top 10 RPGS

The Miskatonic University podcast usually takes off the month of June but this year decided to release a two part, Top 10 list of their favorite RPGs. Some listeners have followed suit and have been posting their own Top 10’s on the discord. It got me thinking about...

Heart of Darkness – An Exposition on Horror

Heart of Darkness – An Exposition on Horror

I had a long and fruitful discussion with Jesse the other day about COREthulhu. That came on the heels of something I had been pondering on, concerning the nature of horror and how we, as players, navigate that in play. It made for a good bit of synchronicity and has...

My Podcasting Journey

My Podcasting Journey

I wrote this about a year ago and for whatever reason never posted it. So I’m posting it now as is. Perhaps if the mood strikes me I may follow this up in the future. I have some things I wanna unpack here in regards to the podcast. Nothing earth shattering, I just...

CORE Projects Updates

Day two of sitting out on the porch. It’s very comfortable out here early in the morning but by 1000 it starts heating up. The sky is a brilliant shade of blue and bright as shit even in the shade of the porch. The neighbor sounds haven’t started up yet so it’s just...

The Worlds of CORE

The Worlds of CORE

Well, maybe more specifically COREthulhu and some other stuff I’m working on but all CORE related. It’s been a little while since we’ve had an update, so where do we stand? All and all I things are going pretty good. As noted in the October update, COREthulhu is live...

Year End Update

I've written, deleted and re-written this post numerous times while contemplating the title.  It's probably best to keep it simple and just talk about the podcast.  So with that in mind where do we stand? Since all of our games are online our recording schedule never...

New Sponsor!

We’re happy to announce that Legends of Tabletop has now partnered with Thing 12 Games. Thing 12 Games is a team of passionate game developers with decades of combined experience in the video game industry, and a love of the tangible camaraderie that only comes from...

The future of the TCG genre by Leandro Tokarevski

We have a guest article from Leandro Tokarevski from TokArts, creator of Multiverse: Cosmic Conquest. The future of the TCG genre Since the inception of the genre, when Richard Garfield created Magic: the Gathering in 1993, a large number of trading card games have...